Friday, June 12, 2015

Back to the Eye Doctor and the Dentist

Back to contacts and no cavities!

**Due to this post being a bit short, I also added my trip to the dentist.**

So as a follow up to the previous trip to the eye doctor.
I finally had time after work to go visit the eye doctor for my follow up and to find out whether or not I could finally wear my contacts again.

I took pictures this time around!

This particular eye doctor doesn't use the UV light slipper boxes and just has them in a separate shelf. 

I was able to be seen fairly quickly again and by the son of the main older man doctor. They had me bring my contacts this time so he could make sure they were a proper fit for my eyes and to see how well I could see with them on versus my glasses, etc. 

The doctor did his usual 'don't mind me I'm a doctor' eye drops in my eyes, and checked to see if my dry eye had been fixed by the eye drops.

Thankfully, compared to the previous visit, it had improved A LOT, and he said I would be allowed to wear my contacts again! 

Then instructed me to put on my contacts but since he put those 'trust me I'm a doctor drops' I needed to cry those out. One of the nurses put these wild drops that made me see orange to cry out the doctor drops, it was really a wild experience. Then to, wait a bit, had them checked to see if I need to increase the strength, then finally checked by the doctor again.

While waiting, I asked to take pictures of the fascinating machinery that may be old compared to America but I thought were badass.

 I was then seen by the doctor and he told me so long as I continued using the remaining drops in the morning, after taking out my contacts, and before sleeping I should be ok. 

I suspected I had a cavity, so I made an appointment to go to the dentist.
I had made the appointment on the day of the pretty strong earthquake that actually shook up Kanto region..paranoid me about then seeing the dentist. But finally the day came, and after holding off of Snickers for that few weeks and doing my best to keep up with brushing three times a day.*

I was introduced to this dentist by a friend of mine, who is actually more like a mom to me due to her age. And she told me about it since one of the head nurses there was a friend of hers and I had asked her to come with me since I am such a scardy kat about going to any doctor.

Thankfully the head nurse I knew Was there so I wasn't as scared to be there by myself. Also it was my third time to be seen (once with my 'mom', second time to get a cavity filled). The previous time I went and got the cavity filled was the first time for my mouth to be filled with any kind of silver or metal or anything, so I made sure as soon as I truly suspected the cavity I got seen. 

Snickers caramel loves to get stuck in my teeth...

ANYWAY, I was seen shortly after arriving and told to sit and wait in the chair until they were ready for me. I always enjoy the dentist, because there is a TV that they turn on while I wait for a while.

I took that picture while I was waiting when I first arrived. I was then seen by the head nurse I know, was taken to get an x-ray, and then told to wait again after she checked my teeth and told another nurse a bunch of numbers while picking at my teeth.

I then watched my favorite channel 4 talking about the MERS virus that's wreaking havoc in South Korea. Made me very paranoid and slightly itchy.

What I really love about the dentist is that they put this funny towel over your face for what I assume are two reasons; no weird staring at the doctor, and you don't get your face all wet with your saliva.

I had my teeth cleaned after determining I didn't actually have a cavity. The doctor told me he could put a medicine to clog the middle of my teeth and help prevent any possible cavities!

I don't know if the face towel gives the doctor permission to squish my face...but he squashed my face under his arm while applying the medicine and trying to keep something in place while a nurse shot a weird light gun in that direction.

I left without having to come back again and a very decent bill. 
Both lovely visits to two doctors I don't really enjoy visiting!

Thanks for reading!

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